
PIC16F8x simulator

This is a learning and developping interface written in PLT Scheme for the 8 bits MCU built by Microchip PIC16F8x.
Datasheet of component. Documentation in french and english are given with the package. Display is fixed 1024x768.
This Project is open source, and given not compiled. You need PLT scheme to run it.
Warning: Registers number in the real MCU are not 256 ! To produce real code, you need to stay between 0x0c and 0x50.


Not supported:

Project stalled.

Updates 28-03-2004: (docs still not updated)
- fixed assembling.
- made hex2scheme function: takes a hex string and gives the scheme program runnable in the project.

Updates 19-01-2004: (docs not updated for this)
- fixed bug with ORG and NOP for missing lines.
- hex output bug fix with no END keyword at eof.
- inputs remade.
- load file remade.
- files are (really!) in plain text format.

Thanks to the PLT-scheme mailing list and Mr Roy :-)

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BIOS update booting on USB

You might have to flash your BIOS (update it) someday, and you will be faced to something odd: it awdflash.exe is a DOS executable. It requires direct access to hardware to flash a BIOS, thus it cannot be done from evoluated OSes like Windows or Linux.

If you don't have an Windows 98 installation CD, or something like that to boot DOS, or if you don't have a cdrom drive, here is the solution. You can flash your BIOS using FreeDOS and booting on a USB key using linux or other unices for setting this up.

Download the minimalist boot floppy from FreeDOS, called OEM Bootdisk. Gunzip it, and mount it with a loop device like: mount -o loop FDOEM.144 mnt. Add inside it (just copy files) the BIOS flash utility, like awdflash.exe and your new BIOS file, probably .BIN. Unmount the image, and that's all for this part, you have now your bootable FreeDOS image, with a BIOS flash utility ready.

To put it on a USB key and be able to boot with it on this image, you just have to dd if=FDOEM.144 of=/dev/sdb. Make sure your USB key is sdb, because this will destroy all data on the drive specified! Then reboot, configure your BIOS to boot on USB device (not all support this feature), plug the USB key, and you will appear the FreeDOS prompt in something like half a second! Just run awdflash, specify the BIOS binary file name, confirm and it is done! It takes less than 5 mins to do all this! So nice!

Warning: this may destroy your BIOS. Something unexpected can happen, and may crash FreeDOS while copying the new BIOS, leaving it in a non recoverable and non bootable state, probably resulting in the loss of your mainboard. (However, that worked for me on a Jetway mini-itx board and lots of people, and FreeDOS is kind of robust now).

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