
Laptop and power tweaks for Linux

To improve time that you can spend using the battery before it is discharged, it seems quite obvious to improve the operating system so that it does not consumes power for useless purposes. You can find most important tweaks that wiki page if you haven't done anything yet. On this page, you will find my more precise advices.

There are two things that consumes power on a computer that we can modify: interruptions and devices use. Interrupts are triggered both by the kernel and the system. Most of them are due to timers, so when a lot of process are launched it's more likely that you have lots of timers because programs generally have sleep loops. It's a good thing to avoid those programs if you don't need them, like cron or media players.

On this web page I draw a list of what I did to save power on my system, which is a EeePC 900, but it can be applied to most systems that have constraints on power or flash drives. With all the tweaks, I extented my battery life from 2 to 3 hours roughly, but it mostly depends on what application you use. When programming or typing text, battery can last a lot more longer, if you don't compile too often. Heat is reduced, system longevity is extented.

Embedded devices unpowering

Unused devices should obviously be powered down, but sometimes people don't even know what's inside computers, so they can't do it.

First of all, you can look into the BIOS in the section 'integrated peripherals' what it offers to activate or deactivate. Probably there will be USB controllers, with possibly a webcam and a card reader using it, the sound chipset, the embedded loudspeakers, and network interfaces. If you don't need one of those, I suggest you deactivate it here.

Then, where you are running the system, there are devices that can be put in sleep mode or completely deactivated:

Kernel tweaking

Virtual memory is an important cause of processor wake-ups. When you write some information into memory, it is stored into the system's memory for a while, the cache, and then copied on drives. If that time is too low, drives will be used very often. It is better to write a lot of information at a time but less often, so that the CPU can sleep longer.

An other parameter of virual memory is the ratio of dirty memory achieved before copying it back to the drives. When the ratio is low, it means that when a few megabytes have been modified, the write is triggered. When it's high, the write back happens less often. Once again, power saved. But you should be warned: if the system goes down unexpectedly, you will lose all data that has not been stored during this waiting cache time.

sysctl controls the values for time and ratios of write back for the virtual memory susbsystem. Put the following lines in /etc/sysctl.conf, and run # sysctl -p to take it into account. It will be loaded at system startup.

vm.dirty_writeback_centisecs = 3000
vm.dirty_background_ratio = 10
vm.dirty_ratio = 45

The difference between dirty_background_ratio and dirty_ratio is that the first is triggered as a background task, and the second blocks the systems while the dirty memory hasn't been written back. More explanations here.

System tweaking

A minimalistic system, like Arch Linux, is the better way to control all services installed and launched by the operating system. Of course, try to not launch services you don't need. You can also configure the ACPI rules to launch power eating services when you plug the AC adapter to your laptop. This is what I do with cron. cron is waking up the CPU every minute at least, and running some tasks for system maintenance, like updating man pages of find database.

Filesystem options can reduce the number of writes on the drives, which can be a good thing to do with flash memories. Moreover, it reduces the time spent working for the CPU and the northbridge.

The first thing that can be done is disable access times saving. When you access a file or a directory, they usually save the date when it was accessed. If you don't need that feature, remove it and you will experience faster file access and reduced power consumption. It is done by adding the options noatimes and nodiratimes to the options of the filesystems in /etc/fstab. For example:
/dev/sda1 / ext2 defaults,noatime,nodiratime 0 1

Using journalling filesystem is also not recommended, since it will write very often on the same block of the drive. It is bad for flash memories.

An other improvement can be added by the use of memory filesystems. Indeed, some directories are not specially useful to keep on the drive, and still, they may suffer from lots of writes and access. I converted three directories of my system to tmpfs, which uses the system memory to save the files. It is faster, less power greedy, but files are lost on reboot. Anyway, I don't really need them, here is my fstab:

tmpfs /var/log tmpfs size=2M 0 0
tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults,noatime 0 0
tmpfs /var/cache/pacman/pkg tmpfs defaults,noatime 0 0

Temporary files of softwares: you may not know it but some softwares you use everyday keep track of what you did, to provide history or better user experience. It is the case of less and vim. You can disable the less history file by setting the environment variable: LESSHISTFILE="-" in /etc/profile or something similar. For vim, you can disable the viminfo file, the backup file~ and the swap files by setting:

set viminfo=""
set noswapfile
set nobackup
in your ~/.vimrc or /etc/vimrc if you don't need them.

Run powertop

The best tool you have to try to hunt power leaks is powertop. It acts as the command top does for CPU but for interrupts. You can see what application and kernel thread wakes up the CPU. It also suggests some system tweaks if you don't have done them already. On the powertop website there are some tips and tricks for some known applications too.

XTerm for examples wakes up every second by default, due to session management. It can be fixed by putting xterm*sessionMgt: false in your ~/.Xdefaults.

You will see how much using a media player wakes up the CPU. And they consume even more power since they use the sound or video chipset.

Using a mouse is also very interrupt consumming. You maybe should use a tiling window manager such as awesome, which are optimized for keyboard use.

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